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EPA shares action plan to regulate water contaminants
EPA releases PFAS action plan
5. Achieving water quality objectives through regulation & incentivisation - Dr Leanne Roche, DAFM
EPA PFAS Standard Setting Process
15. Progress with Areas for Action, data sharing & the referrals process - Gary O’Connell, LAWPRO
13. Chemicals in water - Alan Stephens, Senior Manager, EPA Radiological Protection and Monitoring
EPA set to limit PFAS in drinking water – so what does that mean for Minnesota? I KMSP FOX 9
The Assessment and Regulation of PFASs in New Hampshire’s Drinking Water
Niall McLoughlin - EPA Air Event 2021
Basics of the Clean Water Act (ELI Summer School, 2023)
VCAC Preparing a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan SWPPP
1. Water Conference 2022 opening address - Laura Burke, EPA Director General